Reform Preferences

The Reform Preferences dialog may be opened by either doubleclicking the Reform tool icon in the toolbar, or by choosing “Reform Preferences...” at the top of the panel flyout menu.

Reform Preferences Dialog

Reform Preferences Dialog

1. Annotation Color

The main color used to draw the reshaped path, markers, and delimiters; red by default.

2. Target Color

The color used to show the original path. It is also used for loop mode markers; blue by default.

3. Thick Path Shape Preview checkbox

When enabled, the original and reshaped path previews are drawn with a thick line, and larger marker annotations are used.

4. Super Smart Remove checkbox/value

When enabled, unnecessary anchor points are removed from the final reshaped path, using the value as a tolerance. Higher tolerance values will remove more points but may make the final path vary from its preview slightly.

5. Move Points to Tangencies checkbox

When enabled, points along the reshaped path will be located at horizontal and vertical tangencies when possible.

6. Edit Selected Paths Only checkbox

When enabled, paths must be selected before the Reform tool will edit them.

7. AutoGlue Tolerance

Specifies the maximum distance apart that two anchor points (or handles) must be to automatically be glued together when using AutoGlue. The default is 0.002 pt. Setting the tolerance too high may result in anchor points being glued when they shouldn’t be.

8. Informational area

Shows a brief description of each preference setting when the cursor is being held over it.

9. Help Button

Opens the help documentation in the Astute Manager. If this does not automatically appear, please ensure your Astute Manager is running first.