Business Team Licensing - How does it work?

This Business Team Licensing guide is split in to 26 chapters. You can refer to it for guidance on anything related to your Team Licensing account.

Please note that chapters 2, 5 and 10 are of crucial importance in ensuring that your colleagues receive their licenses correctly. Whilst chapters 23 and 24 provide information that you may wish to send to your colleagues after the team is set up.

If you already have a license that was purchased through a Reseller, please refer to this guide instead.

1. About Team Licensing

Our team licensing system enables the purchase of single or multiple licenses in one transaction. An admin can buy and manage all of those licenses from one account then allocate them to their colleagues without the colleagues ever having access to any invoices or payment details.

As the admin, you will be the Team Owner -  the person who manages the account.

The Team Owner has teams (teams of colleagues). Each team is made up of Team Members who use the plugins as part of that team. A Team can consist of one or more members. The Team Owner can have limitless multiple teams on one account and can purchase, allocate, revoke and reallocate the licenses as they wish.

The Team Owner can also make one of the Team Members within each team a Team Leader. A Team Leader can also revoke and reallocate licenses in the team however, they cannot make purchases or manage multiple teams.

The Team Owner can demote someone from Team Leader back to Team Member at any time.

Summary of Team Licensing permissions for Teams:

  • Team Owner (Admin of the account and of multiple company teams on that account)

    • Purchasing and managing multiple teams

    • Naming their teams

    • Allocating licenses by inviting new team members

    • Revoking licenses e.g. when someone leaves the company

    • Reallocating licenses

    • Making someone a Team Leader

    • Revoking Team Leader Status

    • Making themselves a Team Member so that they also have a license on that team

    • Renewing/extending teams

    • Adding additional seats to a Team pro-rata

    • Signing themselves and/or an IT person up for advance warning of major Astute Manager updates

    • Toggling plugin data collection options (on or off)

  • Team Leader

    • Use of allocated license within a team

    • Naming their team

    • Allocating licenses by inviting new team members

    • Revoking licenses e.g. when someone leaves the company

    • Reallocating licenses

    • Cannot Lead multiple teams

    • Does not have purchasing permissions or access to payment information

    • Signing themselves and/or an IT person up for advance warning of major Astute Manager updates

    • Toggling plugin data collection options (on or off)

  • Team Member

    • Use of allocated license within a team only

    • Does not have purchasing permissions, access to payment information or any other permissions

2. Getting started

In order to begin purchasing licenses you will need to become a Team Owner with an email address that you will use for administration.

If you would like to be a Team Owner, you will need to sign up for the Free Trial. If you already have an account with or without an active subscription then this is okay also, your existing license will become part of that new account.

As a Team Owner you are going to be an admin of the teams you buy. Once you purchase a team, you won’t need to add yourself to the team as a member and user of a license unless you want to. If you do this by accident, you can revoke the license. So:

3. Becoming a Team Owner with a new or inactive or account

  • If you don’t yet have an Astute Graphics account - create one by signing up for the Free Trial with an email address that isn’t already subscribed to an active subscription.

  • Or, if you already have an Astute Graphics account that doesn’t have an active subscription license - log in to your account.

  • Now select the Teams option on the left hand side (3).

  • Next, select to Convert to a team account (4).

  • Tick the box to confirm that you’re purchasing for the company you work for (5).

  • Enter your name, Job title and Company name, then click on Confirm account conversion (6). 

Become a Team Owner with a new or inactive account

Become a Team Owner with a new or inactive account

  • If you change your mind before purchasing anything, you can click the Switch to a single user account button to revert back to a single user account (7).

Switch to a single user account

Switch to a single user account

  • If not, you are now ready to click the Purchase a new team subscription button (8) to begin purchasing team licenses for yourself and/or your colleagues. You’ll be asked to confirm.

  • Now skip to chapter 5. Making your first purchase.

4. Becoming a Team Owner with an active Astute Graphics account

  • Log in to your Astute Graphics account.

  • Select the Teams option on the left hand side (2).

  • Next, select to Convert to a team account (3).

  • Tick the box to confirm that you’re purchasing for the company you work for (4).

  • Enter your name, Job title and Company name, then click on Confirm account conversion (5).

Become a Team Owner with an active account

Become a Team Owner with an active account

  • If you change your mind before completing the process, you can click the Switch to a single user account button (6) to revert back to a single user account.

Switch back to a single user

Switch back to a single user

  • If not, you are now ready to click Convert user subscription now (7) to begin purchasing licenses for your colleagues. You’ll be asked to confirm.

  • Your existing single license will now go in to a Team of its own, maintaining its expiry date.

Please note:

  • If you paused or cancelled auto-renewal of your single license subscription before converting to a Team Owner - your license will become a Legacy Team.

  • If you didn’t pause or cancel auto-renewal of your single team before converting - your license will become a single Team Subscription.

Both function in the same way, but your Team subscription license will auto-renew unless you decide to pause or cancel it.

5. Making your first purchase

You are now ready to begin purchasing licenses.

Please choose one of the below options.


All licenses purchased in one transaction will auto-renew on the same day, this purchase constitutes a team. If you purchase more licenses later, you can either:

  • Add additional licenses at a pro-rata rate to an existing team.

  • Create an entirely new team.

You can purchase as many teams as you wish on one account, you should name each team to enable you to differentiate between each one.

Managing multiple team accounts

Managing multiple team accounts

6. Making your first purchase as a Team Owner who did not already have an active license

  • Click on Purchase a new team subscription

  • You’ll be asked to confirm your billing details (country of your billing address, zip/postcode etc).

  • If you make a mistake, you can click to edit billing details.

  • Use the (+) and () keys to select the total number of seats required.

  • You can add as many licenses as you wish.

  • Now opt to Calculate Price.

  • If you have a VAT number/Sales Tax ID, please select Add VAT number and add it before completing to zero rate the VAT if applicable - see Do I have to pay VAT?

  • If you are happy with the price, enter your payment details and select the Subscribe now button.

  • You will receive a notification that your purchase is complete.

  • Your team is now ready to use. Click Manage team to get started with inviting members to the team.

  • If you wish to cancel auto-renewal of the team, please refer to the Pausing or cancelling a Team guide.

7. Making your first purchase as a Team Owner who already had an active license

If you had a single active license before converting to a Team Owner, you will now either have a Team Subscription or a Legacy Team.

This means that you now have the option to:

a).     Add additional licenses to the team that you already have.

b).    Purchase an entirely new team.

Please refer to the option below that applies to you.  

a). I want to add a license/s to the team I already have. 

  • If you have converted to a Team Owner and you now have a single Team Subscription, this is because your individual license was still set to auto-renew when you converted.

  • If you have converted to a Team Owner and you now have a single Legacy Team, this is because the auto-renewal on your individual license was paused or cancelled before you converted.

  • You now have the option to add additional licenses to your team at a pro rata rate, or buy an entirely new team. If you add seats pro-rata to a team, the additional licenses will auto-renew (or expire) on the date that the existing team licenses were set to.

  • Click Manage next to the team and you will see the option to + Add extra seats, select this.

  • (Please note, for any expired teams or those approaching expiry you will see the Extend license for another 12 months option - if you see this, please select this option instead, then add additional seats as part of that process, provided in chapter 18).

  • You’ll be asked to confirm your billing details (country of your billing address, zip/postcode etc).

  • If you make a mistake, you can click to edit billing details.

  • Beneath Select the total number of seats required for this team, you will see the current number of seats. You should now click the (+) button to add additional seats. You can add as many additional licenses as you wish.

  • Select the number of additional seats and opt to Calculate Price. For however many additional licenses you add, you will be charged the cost of those licenses only for the days that remain before the entire team renews.

  • If you have a VAT number/Sales Tax ID, please select Add VAT number and add it before completing to zero rate the VAT if applicable - see Do I have to pay VAT?

  • If you are happy with the price, select the Pay button

  • You will receive a notification that the number of seats has been updated and your payment method has been charged. Your receipt will be available within your account shortly afterwards.

  • Your team is now ready to use. Click Manage team to get started with inviting members to the team.

  • If you want to buy an entirely new team instead, please follow the advice provided below.


 b). I want to purchase an entirely new team

  • Click on Add a new team subscription.

  • You’ll be asked to confirm your billing details (country of your billing address, zip/postcode etc).

  • If you make a mistake, you can click to edit billing details.

  • Use the (+) and () keys to select the total number of seats required.

  • You can add as many licenses as you wish.

  • Now opt to Calculate Price.

  • If you have a VAT number/Sales Tax ID, please select Add VAT number and add it before completing to zero rate the VAT if applicable - see Do I have to pay VAT?

  • If you are happy with the price, enter your payment details and select the Subscribe now button.

  • You will receive a notification that your purchase is complete.

  • Your team is now ready to use. Click Manage team to get started with inviting members to the team.

  • If you wish to cancel auto-renewal of the team, please refer to the Pausing or cancelling a Team guide.

8. Making your first purchase as a Team Owner who already had a paused expired license

If before converting to Team Owner, you had a single license subscription that had expired because you had paused it, you will be asked to cancel that subscription before you can purchase a team.

Cancel inactive user subscription

Cancel inactive user subscription

  • Click on Cancel inactive user subscription

  • You will see confirmation that Your subscription has been cancelled click Ok

  • You will also receive an email confirming that that single user license subscription has been cancelled.

  • Now click on Purchase a new team subscription

  • You’ll be asked to confirm your billing details (country of your billing address, zip/postcode etc).

  • If you make a mistake, you can click to edit billing details.

  • Use the (+) and () keys to select the total number of seats required.

  • You can add as many licenses as you wish.

  • Now opt to Calculate Price.

  • If you have a VAT number/Sales Tax ID, please select Add VAT number and add it before completing to zero rate the VAT if applicable - see Do I have to pay VAT?

  • If you are happy with the price, enter your payment details and select the Subscribe now button.

  • You will receive a notification that your purchase is complete.

  • Your team is now ready to use. Click Manage team to get started with inviting members to the team.

  • If you wish to cancel auto-renewal of the team, please refer to the Pausing or cancelling a Team guide.

9. Checkout, payment methods and receipts

Payment methods

We accept major debit and credit cards from customers in every country, these include:

  • MasterCard

  • Visa

  • American Express

PayPal, Google Pay and Apple Pay are also available as a payment option at checkout (the latter only if you are already signed up to Apple Pay).

As Business Team Licenses auto-renew, your card is stored in the system but payment and receipt details are only visible to the Team Owner, not Team Leaders or Team Members.

If you wish to pause or cancel auto-renewal of a team, please refer to chapter 22. Pausing or cancelling a team subscription.

VAT/Sales Tax

If you have a VAT number/Sales Tax ID, please select Add VAT number and add it before completing to zero rate the VAT if applicable - see Do I have to pay VAT?


Volume discounts are automatically applied for Business Team Purchases at checkout:

  • 5% discount for a purchase of 5-10 Licenses

  • 10% discount for a purchase of 11+ Licenses


Receipts will show under the Receipts & Invoices section of Teams.

In the example shown below, 3 seats were purchased for team 127 on 6th June. And later that day an additional seat was purchased for that same team. In cases such as this you will see more than 1 receipt for the same team.

Receipts & Invoices section of Teams

Receipts & Invoices section of Teams

To download and save receipts

  • For Team receipts, click on the Link then save the invoice in PDF format by selecting File > Print > Save to PDF after opening the link.

  • For Archived Team receipts (teams purchased prior to July 2022), click on the Download button.

If you wish to add a name, address and VAT number/Sales Tax ID to your receipt, please do the following:

  • Click Link next to the receipt you wish to add details to

  • Now click on Add address & VAT number (optional)

  • You can then add your details here.

Further down under the Team subscription section of your team you will see the auto-renewal date of the team. Team subscriptions run for 12 months and (not the case for Legacy teams) they will auto-renew unless you choose to pause or cancel the team subscription. Please note that if you cancel a Team subscription, you won’t have the option to add additional licenses to the team at a pro-rata rate later on.

Astute Graphics is partnered with the billing partner and Merchant of Record Paddle. Receipts are issued by Paddle and Paddle’s VAT/Sales Tax information will be shown on your payment receipt.

Once your purchase is complete, you can click Manage to begin inviting Team Members.

10. Inviting colleagues to become Team Members

To get started with sending invites, you should go to the Teams page and select Manage next to the team that you wish to send invites for, there you will see the following options:

  • Add yourself to the team. Clicking this will add you as a Team Member and issue one of the licenses to you, you may not want to do this, but the option is available to you if you don’t already have a license and you wish to have one. For more information scroll down to chapter 12. Adding yourself to your team.

  • The Send Invite option (found underneath Invite Team Member) allows you to invite a Team Member by entering their email address. To send an invite, click in the Email address field, enter the email address of the invitee and click Send Invite.

You will notice that because none of the licenses have been allocated yet, the license allocation is showing as 0.

Manage your team

Manage your team

When you enter the email address and click Send Invite, an account is now created for the invitee (unless they have already created one through a  Free Trial), and you will see notification that the invitee has been sent an invite email. 

User invited message

User invited message

In the example below, 3 licenses have been purchased and the Team Owner has sent 1 invite. The invite has yet to be accepted and the status is showing as Pending.

You can see that because 1 of these licenses has now been allocated, the license allocation is 1/3.

If you have sent the invite to the wrong person, you have the option to Cancel invite.

User invite pending

User invite pending

Once the colleague has accepted their invite, the status will change from Pending to Team Member or the Team Members Name.

11. How an invitee accepts a Team Member invite

Please note that if the invitee is already a member of another team, it will not be possible to invite them to a new team without ensuring that they are removed from their existing team first. When attempting an invite you will see a User is already a member of a team warning.

After you have sent your invite to become a Team Member, the invitee will receive an email notifying them that they have been invited to the team.

If the invitee already has a trial account, their email will invite them to Accept Invite.

Accept invite email

Accept invite email

The invitee should click on Accept Invite in the email. If they are not logged in, they’ll be prompted to login to the website. If they are already logged in, they’ll be taken straight to their dashboard.

If the invitee doesn’t yet have an Astute Graphics account, their email will invite them to Reset Password. 

Reset password email

Reset password email

The invitee should click on Reset Password in the email.

Both types of invitees on logging in will then be taken straight to their dashboard where they will see the invite. 

Received invite confirmation message

Received invite confirmation message

In the event that this person was invited by mistake, they can click on Decline Invite. Otherwise, the Team Member invitee should click on Accept Invite to be issued with their license.

If they clicked Accept Invite, the invitee is now a Team Member. They should now go to the Astute Manager section of their account where they can Download the Astute Manager to install. To get started they can follow the guide to Installing and activating your plugins.

We allow installation and activation on up to two computers used exclusively by the same person. For example: If that person has a machine only they work on in the office, and their own machine at home, they can install and activate on both machines (this applies to both Windows and/or Mac OS computers, be they desktop, laptop, tablet, etc).


Our Software is SaaS software. Every user will need to sign into their account via the Astute Manager software which is installed locally (Windows and/or macOS). The plugin(s) are installed on request via the Astute Manager along with associated licensing information. It’s necessary to have direct internet access (not behind a proxy), and establish a secure connection with to download, activate, update and regularly maintain activation status. It is highly recommended to have the Astute Manager loaded in the menu bar/task bar at all times to ensure that you are not inconvenienced with temporary license inactivity.

12. Adding yourself to a team

You can allocate all licenses to colleagues if you wish, but you also have the option to allocate a license to yourself. You do not have to do this, but the option is available if you don’t already have a license and want one.

Please note that if you have multiple teams and have already added yourself to one of these teams, it won’t be possible to add yourself to another team unless removing yourself from the other one first.

To add yourself to the team, click Manage next to the team that you want to become a part of.

Then select the Add yourself to the team option. 

Add yourself to the team

Add yourself to the team

You will now show as both a Team Owner and a Team Member.

13. Promoting a Team Member to Team Leader

Once some or all of your colleagues have accepted their invites, you may wish to promote one of them to a Team Leader.

A Team Leader is a second person with the ability to name the team that they lead, invite members to the team, revoke licenses, reallocate licenses, and toggle the data collection options (on or off) for the team. Unlike the Team Owner, they have to be a user of one of the licenses on the team, they cannot lead multiple teams and they do not have purchasing permissions or access to payment information and receipts.

To assign someone Team Leadership, click Manage next to the team that you want to add a Team Leader to.

Then select the Assign option. 

Assign a Team Leader

Assign a Team Leader

You’ll be prompted to Please select a Team member. Click the down facing arrow next to this. 

Please select a Team Member

Please select a Team Member

Now select the Team Member that you wish to assign Team Leadership to. Then click Confirm

Pick the Team Leader email

Pick the Team Leader email

You’ll be asked if you’re sure that you wish to promote this member to a Team Leader. Click Confirm. You’ll see that this person is now the allocated Leader

Team Leader allocated

Team Leader allocated

If you have selected an incorrect Team Leader, or if you need to change them. You can do this at any time by clicking on Demote

Demote a Team Leader

Demote a Team Leader

Now the Team Leader is free to manage the team also.

In the example shown below, all 3 licenses have been allocated. The Team Owner has added themselves to the team as a member, meaning that they now have use of a license. They have also assigned Team Leadership to one of the Team Members

All seats allocated notification

All seats allocated notification

14. Naming Teams

We strongly recommend naming a team as soon as you create it for ease of identification when managing it.

To name a team, select Manage next to the team you wish to name then click the pencil symbol next to Team Name (1).

Next, type your chosen team name into the Team name field and click on the file symbol to save it (2). 

Naming a Team

Naming a Team

The given name will now show in the Team Name field at the top of the page. This name can be edited at any time. Please note that the Team Leader can also rename the team.

15. Moving Team Members

It is possible to move a Team Member from one team to another, if there is a free seat in the team that you want to move someone to.

If you do this, the renewal (or expiry) date for the Team Member license is dictated by the team they're in, not the team they have been moved from.

Please note that Team Owners and Team Leaders don't have a Move option.

As a Team Owner, you can remove yourself from the team you're in and add yourself to another.

For a Team Leader, you must first demote the Team Leadership status, you will then be able to move them if you wish.

To move a Team Member:

  • Ensure your teams are named first so that you can identify which team you're moving someone from and to.

  • Click Manage next to the team that you want to move someone from.

  • Next, click the Move button next to the Team Member you want to move.

Move a Team Member

Move a Team Member

You will prompted to Choose Team, select the arrow next to this and you will be shown the teams that have a free seat. Select the team (1) and click Confirm (2).

Choose new team

Choose new team

You will see confirmation that the Team Member has been moved.

Team Member moved notification

Team Member moved notification

The renewal (or expiry) date for the Team Member will now correspond with that of the other members of the team that they have been moved to.

If you have made a mistake you can move the Team Member back.

16. The Team Leader account

When a Team Leader logs into their account they will see the Teams option on the left hand side of their dashboard.

They have permissions to name their teams, allocate, revoke and reallocate licenses within their team. They are also able to toggle the data collection options on or off or their team (more about this under chapter 24. Data collection).

They cannot purchase licenses or view receipts.

For more information on how the Team Licensing works for the Team Leader, see chapter 23. Information for Team Leaders and Team Members.

17. The Team Member account

When a Team Member logs into their account, their account will look much like any other single user account, with just a few small differences: 

  • They will not see the Teams option on the left hand side of their dashboard.

  • When they go to Billing they will see their license expiry date but no billing info. Instead they will see a message telling them that the license is provided by their Team Owner.

Team Member account

Team Member account

They have full access to a license but they cannot purchase or manage licenses, or view receipts and billing info.

18. Buying additional licenses, renewing teams, and creating/purchasing new teams

Licenses purchased for the same company but on a different day to a previous purchase can either be purchased pro-rata on the existing team, or an entirely new team can be purchased. 

Purchasing additional pro-rata licenses on an existing team

To add seats/Licenses:

  • Log in to your Team Owner account.

  • Select Teams from the left hand side of the dashboard.

  • Click Manage next to the team that you want to add seats to.

  • Here you will see the option to + Add extra seats, select this.

  • (Please note, for any expired teams or those approaching expiry you will see the Extend license for another 12 months option - if you see this, please select this option instead, then add additional seats as part of that process).

  • Beneath Select the total number of seats required for this team, you will see the current number of seats. You should now click the (+) button to add additional seats. You can add as many additional licenses as you wish.

  • Select the number of additional seats and opt to Calculate Price. For however many additional licenses you add, you will be charged the cost of those licenses only for the days that remain before the entire team expires (at which point you’ll be invited to renew).

  • If you are happy with the price, select the Pay button

  • You will receive a notification that the number of seats has been updated and your payment method has been charged. Your receipt will be available within your account shortly afterwards.

  • You are now free to invite the new Team Members to the team.


Renewing (extending) a team

Extending (manually renewing) a Team is only necessary for Legacy Teams which don’t currently have the auto-renewal option enabled.

14 days before a Legacy team is due to expire, you will have the option to Extend team for another 12 months.

Legacy teams are any teams purchased prior to June 13th 2024. At the time that these teams were purchased, the auto-renewal option was not available. When renewing any team listed under Legacy teams, it will become a Team subscription with the option for automatic renewal each year. You will see a warning of this after opting to Extend team.

Team subscriptions are any teams purchased after June 14th 2024. These teams already have the option for auto-renewal.

  • When you have chosen the team that you would like to extend, click Manage next to it.

  • Now opt to Extend team.

  • You will receive a notification that Teams are now an auto-renewing product. By continuing you will be migrating to this new format with the option to automatically renew. Click Continue and you will be asked to confirm your billing details.

  • Underneath Select the total number of seats required for this team, you will see the current number of seats.

  • If you wish to add additional seats to this team before renewing, click the (+) button to add additional seats. You can add as many additional licenses as you wish.

  • Now opt to Calculate Price.

  • If you are happy with the price, enter your payment details and select the Subscribe now button. Or select the PayPal or GPay button.

  • You will receive a notification that your purchase is complete.

  • Your team is now renewed and ready to use.

  • If you wish to cancel auto-renewal of the team, please refer to the Pausing or cancelling a Team guide.

Purchasing an entirely new team

  • Login to your Team Owner account.

  • Select Teams from the dashboard.

  • Click on Purchase a new team subscription or Add a new team subscription.

  • You’ll be asked to confirm your billing details

  • Use the (+) and () keys to select the total number of seats required.

  • You can add as many licenses as you wish.

  • Now opt to Calculate Price.

  • If you are happy with the price, enter your payment details and select the Subscribe now button. Or select the PayPal or GPay button.

  • You will receive a notification that your purchase is complete.

  • Your team is now ready to use. Click Manage team to get started.

  • If you wish to cancel auto-renewal of the team, please refer to the Pausing or cancelling a Team guide.


As a Team Owner you can have as many teams as you wish. And there is no limit to the number of members that you can have on one team.

The Teams can be given any name at all and these names can be edited at any time.

19. Revoking and reallocating licenses

Both Team Owners and Team Leaders are able to revoke a Team Member license (for example if that member is leaving the company) this can be done quite easily.

Remove a Team Member

Remove a Team Member

You will be asked if you’re sure that you wish to remove the user from the team and revoke the license.

Revoke user confirmation modal

Revoke user confirmation modal

After confirming, a message will show that the member has been removed and you will see that there is now one less license allocated. 

Member removed confirmation

Member removed confirmation

Reduced allocated seats

Reduced allocated seats

You are now able to send a Team Invite for that license to someone else if you wish. Please see chapter 10. Inviting colleagues to become Team Members.

Meanwhile, if the Demoted Team Member logs into their account, they will see that their Team license has been removed and their dashboard will now show the option to Subscribe if they wish to start using the Astute Graphics tools again. This account is no longer linked to the team.

Revoked seat now shows subscribe banner

Revoked seat now shows subscribe banner

20. Legacy Teams

Legacy Teams within your Team Owner account refers to teams that were purchased prior to June 13th 2024.

These legacy teams did not have the auto-renewal option when they were purchased.

  • Any teams purchased from June 13th 2024 will be auto-renewing products (Team subscriptions) with the option for automatic renewal each year.

  • Any teams renewed from June 13th 2024 will also become auto-renewing products (Team subscriptions) with the option for automatic renewal each year. You will see a warning of this after opting to Extend team.

Legacy Teams

Legacy Teams

It is possible to cancel your Team Subscription auto-renewal but please note that if you cancel, you won’t have the option to add additional licenses to the team at a pro-rata rate later on.

For further advice on pausing or cancelling auto-renewal of a team, please see chapter 22. Pausing or cancelling a team subscription.

Please note that if you add extra seats to a legacy team, the team will not become a Team Subscription, this change will only take place when you “renew" the full team when it is due to or after it expires.

21. Billing and payment details

Only the Team Owner has access to Billing information, and the ability to change payment details and subscription preferences.

To view/edit the billing/payment details and preferences for a team, click Manage next to the team you wish to view, then scroll down to the Team subscription section (1). Here you will find the option to Update billing details (2). 

Team subscription billing

Team subscription billing

If you click on Update billing details you can then enter new Payment details and select Update to save them. 

Update team payment details

Update team payment details

You can use and store different payment methods against each team if you wish, or use the same method for all.

22. Pausing or cancelling a team subscription

It’s possible to prevent your Team from automatically renewing at the end of the 12 months. Please note however, that doing this will mean that you are unable to add additional seats to the team at a pro-rata rate during the 12 month subscription period.

Pausing your Team to prevent auto-renewal

  • Log in to your Team Owner account and select Teams from the dashboard.

  • Next to the team, you will see the option to Manage it.

  • Now scroll down for the option to Manage Team subscription.

  • Click on the Manage subscription button and then click on Pause subscription.

Pausing team subscription

Pausing team subscription

Selecting this option will prevent any automatic renewal payments being taken at the end of the billing period. When renewal is successfully paused, you will instead see a Resume subscription option.

If you have paused your Team subscription this doesn't mean that your subscription has ended, it just means that it won't renew automatically at the end of the 12 months. You will still benefit from the remainder of the subscription and no further payments will be taken unless you choose to restart it by selecting Resume subscription.

Resume Team subscription

Resume Team subscription

Cancelling your Team to prevent auto-renewal and remove payment details

If you want to remove your payment information to permanently cancel your Team subscription, you will see an option to do so beneath the Resume subscription option.

Cancel subscription

Cancel subscription

If you cancel your Team subscription, the benefits of your subscription will continue until the 12 month subscription period has run its course, then when your 12 months come to an end, not only will no further payments be taken, after expiry it will be necessary to take out an entirely new Team subscription if you want to renew the team in the future.

23. Information for Team Leaders and Team Members

As your Team Owner has purchased your licenses, they should have invited at least 1 person within your company to become a Team Member of your purchased Team. Once the invitee has accepted that invite, they can then download and use the plugins.

A Team Owner can also provide at least one Team Member with Team Leader permissions, the Team Leader is also then able to allocate and manage licenses. See chapter 1. About Team Licensing for a summary of Team Licensing permissions.

If no one in your company has yet received an invite from the Team Owner, please send the Team Owner the following request:

You recently purchased Astute Graphics licenses for us. In order to use our licenses, we require you to send the user/s an invite to the team. Please can you:

  1. Invite the Team Member/s by following chapter 10. Inviting colleagues to become Team Members.

  2. If necessary, please also provide Team Leadership (chapter 13) to one of those Team Members so that they may manage the licenses. 

As a Team Member, once you have received your licenses you can go to the Astute Manager section of your account where you can Download the Astute Manager to install. To get started please follow the guide to Installing and activating your plugins.

We allow installation and activation on up to two computers used exclusively by the same person. For example: If that person has a machine only they work on in the office, and their own machine at home, they can install and activate on both machines (this applies to both Windows and/or Mac OS computers, be they desktop, laptop, tablet, etc).


Our Software is SaaS software. Every user will need to sign into their account via the Astute Manager software which is installed locally (Windows and/or macOS). The plugin(s) are installed on request via the Astute Manager along with associated licensing information. It’s necessary to have direct internet access (not behind a proxy), and establish a secure connection with to download, activate, update and regularly maintain activation status. It is highly recommended to have the Astute Manager loaded in the menu bar/task bar at all times to ensure that you are not inconvenienced with temporary license inactivity.

As a Team leader, if you have been provided with Team Leadership permissions, you have most of the same permissions as the Team Owner and you can refer to the advice in this guide. The only sections that do not apply to you are those related to Payment and Billing.

24. Data collection

Please note that we collect data to assist us with future product development and to understand how our service is used. None of the data we collect will be passed to third parties.

Only Team Owners and Team Leaders can control the plugin data collection settings. In the Manage section of each team, these options allow them to toggle the opted in or opted out status per team.

To find this as a Team Owner or Team Leader: 

  • Click Manage next to the team that you want to view/edit Data collection options for.

  • Scroll down to Team plugin usage data and click the arrow next to Manage team plugin usage data (1).

  • Here you can toggle this on or off (2).

  • Notification of the On or Off status will show on the left (3). 

Data collection

Data collection

If you opt your team in to data collection, Astute Graphics cannot view the screen or artwork of the users. We will not be able to see how the plugins are being used, only which plugins have been used.

If the team is opted-in, we will collect a Unique ID for each action of Astute Graphics tools used and some native tools, alongside a time & date stamp.

Plugin usage data collection is optional and the Team Owner or Leader can opt-out at this stage or at any time.

You can provide this and all other Team Management information to your Team Members by linking them to the Data Collection for Teams FAQ.

For more information, please also see the Privacy Policy.

25. Signing up for advanced major update warnings

Team Owners and Team Leaders can opt in to receive advance warning of any impending major Astute Manager updates. You can also request for a member of your IT department to receive these updates.

Although these major updates are rare, these advance notifications will allow your team to plan in good time for an update that requires machine admin permissions.

To sign up to these notification emails:

  1. Log in to your Team Owner or Team Leader account

  2. Go to My account

  3. Scroll down to Astute Manager technical updates

  4. Enter your Names and email address

  5. Then click Sign up

  6. Finally, check your emails and click the Yes, subscribe me to this list button to complete subscription to these emails.

Advanced major update warning form

Advanced major update warning form

26. Troubleshooting

For all Business Teams related Troubleshooting, please see Support Business.

For all other Astute Graphics related FAQs, please see Support General.

If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please contact us.