Astute Manager Navigation

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Main Panel

Astute Manager - Main Panel

The main screen displays six areas described as follows:

A. Sections of Astute Manager

Navigate around Astute Manager using the sidebar options.

B. Avatar Menu

See: Avatar Menu.

C. Top Indicators

User Indicator, Theme Switcher and Announcements

User Indicator, Theme Switcher and Announcements

User Indicators including:

  1. A “Beta” indicator appears if the user is enrolled in the “Beta Programme.”

  2. Switch between light and dark interfaces by clicking the moon or sun icon.

  3. The bell icon allows you to view the latest announcements.

D. Cookie Settings

Customize cookie preferences. Users can accept all or configure them as needed.

Astute Manager Cookie Settings

Astute Manager Cookie Settings

1. Dashboard

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Dashboard

Astute Manager - Dashboard

1. What's new?

Details of the latest updates for each plugin, including their version and improvements.

2. Latest News

This section contains information about updates and compatibility with new versions of Adobe Illustrator and operating systems.

2. Plugins

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Plugins Page

Astute Manager - Plugins Page

List of free and premium plugins.

  1. Pulldown menu with available Adobe Illustrator versions.

  2. Free Plugins.

  3. Premium Plugins.

  4. Menu to install, uninstall, and update all plugins.

  5. Individual plugin installation and update indicator button. The dropdown menu allows you to uninstall the plugin and shows detailed information in Learn More.

For more information see Astute Manager: Plugin Management.

3. Updates

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Updates Page

Astute Manager - Updates Page

All updates and new plugin versions appear in this section as soon as they become available.

  1. Menu to select the Adobe Illustrator version.

  2. Description of the plugin and its new features or improvements.

  3. Individual update button.

  4. Menu to update all available plugins.

For more information see Astute Manager: Updating Plugins.

4. Refer a Friend

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Refer a Friend

Astute Manager - Refer a Friend

  1. Description of the promotion and its benefits.

  2. Email input field for the referred person.

  3. Summary of acquired benefits.

5. Texture Packs

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Texture Packs

Astute Manager - Texture Packs

Texture packs for subscribers, to be used with Texturino.

  1. Texture description and download button.

  2. Texturino video tutorials.

6. Brush Sets

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Brush Sets

Astute Manager - Brush Sets

Exclusive brush sets for subscribers.

  1. Brush description and download button.

  2. Video tutorials on brushes and how to use them with Astute Graphics plugins.

7. Graphic Styles

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Graphic Styles

Astute Manager - Graphic Styles

Collections of graphic styles for subscribers, created using the plugins.

  1. Graphic styles description and download button.

  2. Video tutorials on creating and applying graphic styles with Astute Graphics plugins.

8. Profile Packs

Astute Manager

Profile packs for use in Reprofile.

  1. Profile description and download button.

  2. Video tutorials on Reprofile.

9. Learn

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Learn

Astute Manager - Learn

Access to quick tutorials, guest artist tutorials, and specialized workflows.

  1. Click to open the tutorial in your browser.

10. Docs

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Docs

Astute Manager - Docs

Access to documentation for all plugins and our services.

  1. Navigation system by topic: Videos, Features, Effects, and Plugins.

  2. Quick access for getting started.

11. Teams

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Teams

Astute Manager - Teams

Section dedicated to team license management.

  1. Team management.

  2. Team license guide.

For more information see Business Team Licensing.

Avatar Menu

Astute Manager
Astute Manager - Avatar Menu

Astute Manager - Avatar Menu

Clicking on the avatar image provides access to:

1. My Account

Manage your account details such as email address and two-factor authentication login. (See: Avatar Menu: My Account).

2. Billing

Manage your subscription and update your payment details. (See: Avatar Menu: Billing).

3. Settings

Change the settings of your Astute Manager application, including which folder your plugins are saved into and error reporting. (See: Avatar Menu: Settings).

4. Logout

Option to log out of the Astute Manager.

My Account

Astute Manager - My Account

Astute Manager - My Account

1. Profile

Set and update the user’s name and email address.

Configure the receipt of promotional communications with discounts and offers.

2. Authentication

Change the password.

Enable two-factor authentication.

Obtain eight recovery codes.

3. Plugin Beta Testing

Enroll to access beta versions of plugins and participate in the Slack community.

4. Plugin Usage Data

Enable or disable the option to share plugin usage data (for more information, see: What is AG Core).

5. Astute Manager FAQs

List of frequently asked questions about the Astute Manager.


Astute Manager - Billing

Astute Manager - Billing

This section presents subscription details:

1. Billing information

View your subscription status and renewal date (if applicable).

2. Payment method

View your payment information and manage your subscription and payment details.

3. License status

View your plugin license status.


Astute Manager - Settings

Astute Manager - Settings

1. Adjust the detection of installed versions for plugin installation

Enable or disable each installed version. (See: Astute Manager Settings: Install or Remove an Illustrator Version)

Manually input the Illustrator installation path if needed. (See: Astute Manager Settings: Manually Set Plugin Folder Location)

Use the Set Default Paths button to reset default values.

The Detect Installed Adobe Illustrator Versions button scans for undetected versions.

Save changes made.

2. For issues requiring special attention

Write to

Submit the error log via the Error Log Reporting button.

3. AG Core Plugin Status

This plugin is essential for the operation of other plugins.

Restart it using the corresponding button.

4. Application Info

Display the Astute Manager version, legal details, and licenses.

Enable the Auto Update option for automatic Astute Manager updates.

Enable Startup at Login to launch the Astute Manager at computer startup (both options are recommended).

5. Reset Default Settings

Button to reset the Astute Manager and reinstall plugins from scratch.