How to setup Astute Manager on Windows

Astute Manager

1. Download Astute Manager (Windows)

Download Astute Manager for Windows ยป

2. Open download

Locate the downloaded MSI installer and doubleclick on Astute Manager.msi to open.

Open Downloaded Astute Manager.msi

Open Downloaded Astute Manager.msi

3. Install

When asked by Windows if you want to allow the app to make changes to your device, agree by clicking on Yes.

You can also click on the Show more details button in this Windows dialogue to confirm the version of the Astute Manager you are installing.

Install Astute Manager (Windows)

Install Astute Manager (Windows)

4. Locate

Once installed and run, you can locate the Astute Manager in the Windows Tray.

Locate Astute Manager in Windows Tray

Locate Astute Manager in Windows Tray

5. Login

The Astute Manager window will automatically open requesting your Astute Graphics account email and password. Enter your email and password, then click on the Sign in button.

Login to your Astute Manager

Login to your Astute Manager

6. Install Plugins

Please refer to Plugin management options in Astute Manager.

It is highly recommended to have the Astute Manager loaded in the menu bar/task bar at all times (or at least on a regular basis) to ensure that you are not inconvenienced with temporary license inactivity.

If you wish to transfer to a different computer, simply log out of the Astute Manager on the previous computer and log in on the new machine. The licensing will follow automatically. You can keep the plugins installed on both (or more) computers, but computers not actively logged into the Astute Manager will deactivate.