
Pixels to Vector

Pixels to Vector

Illustrator Location: Illustrator Main Menu > Object > Pixels To Vector

Pixels To Vector is an Astute Graphics function for Adobe Illustrator that converts an embedded raster image into vector art. Unlike image tracing, it directly and cleanly converts each pixel in the image into a closed path. For this reason it is suitable only for small images where distinct pixelization is desired. Image transformations such as rotation and shearing are retained. Pixels To Vector is part of the SubScribe plugin.

Menu Item Location

Pixels To Vector is implemented as the single menu command Pixels To Vector, located in the main Object menu. It appears in the same upper section as the Rasterize... and Create Gradient Mesh...commands:

Pixels to Vector Menu Item Location

Pixels to Vector Menu Item Location

The command may be assigned a keyboard shortcut in the usual manner through the native Keyboard Shortcuts dialog.


To use Pixels To Vector, make sure at least one embedded raster image is selected (linked images are not directly supported but can simply be embedded using the native Embed button first). After choosing the menu item, each selected raster object will be replaced with a group of vector paths. Each of these paths represents one pixel from the original image, and will generally be a square unless the original image had a non-uniform transformation applied to it.

Pixels to Vector Basics

Pixels to Vector Basics

The vectorized pixels are created in the order they had in the original image (scanned left to right, top to bottom). Thus, in an unrotated image, the topmost path will be in the lower right.

If the original raster art contained transparent or semi-transparent pixels, this transparency will be retained on the resulting paths. When this is the case, note that due to the way Illustrator renders vector art, artifacts may appear along the boundaries of the pixels:

Pixels to Vector with Transparency

Pixels to Vector with Transparency

However, the effect is less noticeable with typical images that have pixels of different colors.

Once the image’s pixels have been converted to vector paths, they may be manipulated like any other paths. For example, they could have their corners rounded; or they could have their spacing changed using the Astute Graphics Inflate Deflate tool; or they could have their positions scrambled using the Astute Graphics Art Switcher panel.

Pixels to Vector Examples

Pixels to Vector Examples

Because it is very common to combine the pixels of a transparent 1-bit (black or white only) image into a single path or compound path, their transparent pixels are automatically discarded when using Pixels To Vector. This makes it easy to use the native PathFinder to unite the pixels:

Pixels to Vector 1-bit Raster Handling

Pixels to Vector 1-bit Raster Handling

PathFinder’s Remove Redundant Points option should be enabled before doing this.