Using the sole flyout menu item of the AstuteBuddy panel will bring up its preferences dialog:
AstuteBuddy Preferences Dialog
When enabled (the default), the panel will automatically be shown whenever an Astute Graphics tool is selected.
Available if Automatically Show Panel When Astute Tool Is Selected is enabled. It performs the opposite function: when an Astute Graphics tool is deselected (switching to a non-Astute tool), the panel will automatically be hidden.
When enabled (the default), the button providing a link to the documentation for the tool will appear on the panel.
Keypresses are bound to the physical location of a key on the keyboard, not what is printed on top of it. For example, the AG Block Shadow tool uses the letter key at the top left to switch its preview type; on QWERTY keyboards this corresponds to the letter “Q.” But on AZERTY keyboards, this key is the “A” key. Therefore, to ensure that the keypress identifiers match when using a QWERTZ or AZERTY keyboard layout, the appropriate keyboard layout should be chosen from the dropdown menu.
Shows a brief description of each preference control when the cursor is being hovered over it.
Opens the help documentation in the Astute Manager. If this does not automatically appear, please ensure your Astute Manager is running first.