Randomini Preferences

Double-clicking the Randomini tool in the toolbox (or pressing the Enter key when nothing is selected) will bring up the Randomini preferences dialog:

Randomini Preferences Dialog

Randomini Preferences Dialog

1. Annotation Color

Allows you to change the color of the widget along with the previewed art (default is red). When dragging with the tool, you may also change the annotation color on the fly by pressing the C key.

2. Ignore Grouping

Controls how grouped objects are treated. When this preference is enabled, grouped objects will be treated as if they were ungrouped:

Randomini Ignore Grouping Preview

Randomini Ignore Grouping Preview

The Ignore Grouping preference may be toggled on the fly while dragging by pressing the G key.

3. Informational area

Shows a brief description of each preference setting when the cursor is being held over it.