Using the flyout menu of the AG Offset panel, doubleclicking
the AG Offset tool in the toolbox, or pressing the Enter
key when the tool is selected will bring up the AG Offset preferences dialog:
AG Offset Preferences
When enabled, the offset’s distance and step count parameters (and easing status, if enabled) are displayed next to the AG Offset cursor when it is previewing or editing an offset.
When enabled, and Easing is disabled but the Left Arrow
or Right Arrow
keys are pressed while drag-creating or drag-editing, the Easing parameter will automatically be enabled.
The type of preview used to show the offset paths when hover-previewing or adjusting it using the AG Offset tool.
Full preview shows the complete traces of all the offset paths using a thin line in the specified preview color. Stroke weight and color as well as fills are not shown.
Fast preview draws only the positions of the offset paths marked along a “ruler” drawn perpendicularly to the path at the cursor position. It displays much faster than Full preview, especially for types for artwork with many anchor points, such as large blocks of type.
AG Offset Tool Preview Comparison
Full previews are based on the shape of the base artwork, and will not reflect any of its existing live effects that might change that shape.
Allows a choice of colors in which to annotate the offset previews, from among red, blue, magenta, green, black, and gray. The color can be changed on the fly while dragging by pressing the C
When enabled, offset previews will only be displayed when the cursor is over a selected object rather than any unlocked object. This is useful for preventing delays if the cursor is unintentionally passed over a complicated art object.
Shows a brief description of each preference control when the cursor is being hovered over it.
Opens the help documentation in the Astute Manager. If this does not automatically appear, please ensure your Astute Manager is running first.