Using the flyout menu of the Width Selector panel, doubleclicking
the Width Selector tool in the toolbox, or pressing the Enter
key when the tool is selected will bring up the Width Selector preferences dialog:
Width Selector Preferences Dialog
When enabled, width markers will only be displayed on paths which are selected, instead of on all unlocked paths. This prevents clutter when the document consists of numerous paths with variable width strokes.
Specifies the color the tool uses when annotating the width markers, either red (the default) or blue.
The fraction of the path that is tapered after the first click of the Taper Stroke button, from 0.1% to 100%. When both ends of the path are tapered simultaneously, the value applies to each half of the path.
Depending on the surrounding markers, up to four consecutive width markers with the same width value may be necessary to hold a variable width stroke’s shape. However, identical markers beyond these four are redundant. When this preference is enabled (the default), these central width markers which do nothing to change the shape of the path are automatically removed when averaging consecutive multiple markers or changing their widths.
Width Selector Remove Redundant Markers
Specifies the function of the Increase Diameter and Decrease Diameter keys (as defined in the native Keyboard Shortcuts dialog; these are the left and right square bracket keys respectively, by default, for English language keyboards) when the Width Selector tool is in use. The default function is Change Stroke Width, in which the keys work just like the Decrease Width and Increase Width buttons on the panel. When set to Shift Stroke From Side to Side, each press of the Increase Diameter key reduces the selected marker’s left width and increases its right width, thereby shifting the stroke to the right. The Decrease Diameter key does the same but to the left. The amount of shift is such that it takes ten presses of the key to move a centered stroke completely to one side or the other.
Width Selector Shift Stroke
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