The dialog appears when no documents are open and the Settings... button on the panel is clicked, or the menu item File > Autosaviour Settings...
is chosen, or when the Edit Settings for New Documents... button on the Document Settings dialog is clicked. It controls what Autosaviour does when a new document (or a document that it has not previously encountered) is opened.
Autosaviour New Document Settings Dialog
The three options for new documents are:
This option automatically applies the settings in the top section to the document (the available settings are identical to those found on the regular Document Settings dialog).
This option automatically brings up the Document Settings dialog, either immediately or after the specified time period has passed.
This option keeps the document as is, without any settings. To use Autosaviour with the document, the settings must be applied manually, either by clicking the Settings... button at the bottom of the panel, or choosing the menu item File > Autosaviour Settings...